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AIRR Knowledge Schema

Common data model schema for the AIRR Knowledge Commons


Name: ak-schema


Class Description
AIRRKnowledgeCommons A container for instances of multiple classes.
AKObject Anything uniquely identifiable in the AKC.
        NamedThing Name and description for AKC things.
                Assay None
                Assessment None
                Cell None
                Conclusion None
                Dataset None
                ImmuneExposure An event involving the immune system of a study participant.
                ImmuneSystem None
                LifeEvent An event in which a study participant participates.
                Model None
                        CommunicativeModel None
                        ConceptualModel None
                ModelingFramework None
                Participant A participant in an investigation.
                PlannedProcess A process to realize a plan.
                        Investigation A scientific investigation.
                        Simulation None
                        SpecimenCollection None
                PlanSpecification A plan with specified actions to meet some objectives.
                        ModelSpecification None
                Specimen None
                StudyArm A population of participants of an investigation.
                StudyEvent An event that is part of the study design of an investigation.
                Tissue None
ForeignObject An object held outside of the AK.
        Reference A document about an investigation.


Slot Description
age The age of a participant relative to age_event
age_event The event to which the age is relative
age_unit Units used to describe the age
akc_id A unique identifier for a thing in the AKC
archival_id Identifier for external archival resource for the investigation, e
assay_type The specific type of an assay
assays The assays performed by the investigation
assessment_type The specific type of an assessment
assessments The assessment that a dataset is about
authors The authors of a reference
biological_sex The biological sex of a participant
conclusions The conclusions from the investigation
data_location_type The type of location where data was found, e
data_location_value An identifier for the location of the data, e
datasets The datasets that support a conclusion
description A human-readable description for a thing
disease The disease relevant to an immune exposure
disease_severity The severity of the disease relevant to an immune exposure
disease_stage The stage of the disease relevant to an immune exposure
documents The documents produced by the investigation
duration The duration of this life event
ethnicity The ethnicity of a participant
exclusion_criteria Participants are excluded from an investigation if they meet this criteria
experiment_type The type of experiment that supports the conclusion
exposure_material The material relevant to an immune exposure
geolocation The geolocation of a participant at birth
inclusion_criteria Participants in an investigation must meet this criteria
investigation An investigation in which the study arm participates
investigations The investigations that a reference or conclusion are about
issue The issue of the journal in which a reference was published
journal The journal in which a reference was published
life_event The life event corresponding to an immune exposure
life_event_type The specific type of a life event
month The month of the issue of the journal in which a reference was published
name A human-readable name for a thing
organism The type of organism that the conclusion is about
pages The pages of the issue of the journal in which a reference was published
participant The participant of a life event
participants The participants involved with the investigation
phenotypic_sex The phenotypic sex of a participant
process The type of specimen collection process that resulted in this specimen
race The race of a participant
release_date Initial release of the investigation and its data
result The content of the conclusion
simulations The simulations performed by the investigation
source_uri AKC reference to a foreign thing
sources The source URLs for a reference
species The species of a participant
specimen The specimen that was input for an assay
specimen_type The type of this specimen
start The start time of this life event, relative to the T0 event
strain The strain of the participant (non-human study participants)
study_arm The study arm that a participant is a member of
study_arms The study arms that are relevant for a study event
study_event The study event corresponding to a life event
study_type Type of study design
t0_event The T0 event used to specify the time of this life event
t0_event_type The type of the T0 event used to specify the time of this life event
target_entity_type The type of the entity being measured
time_unit The time unit used to measure the start and duration of this life event
tissue The tissue from which this specimen was taken
title The title of a reference
unit The measurement result value unit
update_date Subsequence updates to the investigation or its data
value The measurement result value
year The year of the issue of the journal in which a reference was published


Enumeration Description


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description